12 February 2024 |
RAS Specialist Discussion meeting |
The program for our 'Roadmap to the next-generation infrared interferometric facility' meeting is now available on the RAS website.
1 February 2024 |
EAS Special Session SS37 |
We organise the Special Session SS37 "Interferometric imaging of the inner few AU of circumstellar environments" at the European Astronomical Society Meeting in Padova, Italy.
19 December 2023 |
RAS Specialist Discussion meeting |
We will organise a Specialist Discussion meeting on 8th of March 2024 at the Royal Astronomical Society in London on the topic 'Roadmap to the next-generation infrared interferometric facility'.
1 October 2023 |
New Team members |
We welcome two new group members: Dr Jyotirmay Paul (postdoc) and Mr Daniel Lancaster (PGR research student) as new team member. Both will focus on different parts of BIFROST integration, as well as YSO and exoplanet science.
10 July 2023 |
EAS Special Session |
We had inspiring discussion on the GAIA-BIFROST Legacy Survey (LS8) at our EAS lunch session.

15+21 June 2023 |
BIFROST design review |
An panel of international experts reviews the science cases, concepts of operations, and optical design of our BIFROST instrument.
1-3 March 2023 |
Asgard workshop |
The Exeter BIFROST team travels to Leuven to attend the
"Asgard Workshop", where we discuss the progress on BIFROST with colleagues from the Asgard team and ESO representatives.
February 2023 |
EAS session on GAIA binaries |
We are organising a lunch session on the
GAIA-BIFROST Legacy Survey (LS8).
The session is scheduled for July 10th at the EAS conference in Krakow, Poland. Abstracts for posters are accepted until March 8th.
27 June 2022 |
Results in Brief |
Results in Brief article on ERC project "ImagePlanetFormDiscs" that completed last year:
"New imaging techniques reveal planet nurseries in unprecedented detail".
15 June 2022 |
Paper: Gemini-LIGHTS survey |
Survey paper led by Evan Rich on GPI observations of 44 Herbig and T Tauri sources, including the detection of several new close companions down to the planetary-mass regime:
"New imaging techniques reveal planet nurseries in unprecedented detailGemini-LIGHTS: Herbig Ae/Be and massive T-Tauri protoplanetary disks imaged with Gemini Planet Imager"
30 May 2022 |
New group member |
We welcome our new PostDoc Sorabh Chhabra to the group. Great to have you in the team! |
Deadline: 4 May 2022 |
Open PostDoc position |
Advertisement for an
ERC-funded postdoc position on Instrument Control Software & Data Analysis.
25 April 2022 |
Conference starts |
Our conference The Sharpest Eyes on the Sky 2022 (including CHARA/VLTI meeting) kicks off with 45 in-person and about 100 registered online participants.
11 March 2022 |
Obituary: Dr. Matthew Willson |
Obituary has been published in A&G |
25 March 2022 |
Visitor instrument for VLTI |
The science whitepaper for our BIFROST instrument and for other instruments in the Asgard Suite has been submitted to ESO |
24 January 2022 |
In Memoriam: Dr. Matthew Willson |
It is with great sadness that we learned about the passing of our friend and Exeter graduate Matthew Willson. See here an In Memoriam |
20 October 2021 |
Interferometry Instrumentation Lab |
Refurbishment project of the new clean-room instrumentation lab in the Physics Building G21 begins. |
20 September 2021 |
New group members |
We welcome our new PhD students Isabelle Codron and Yi Lu to the group. |
9 July 2021 |
Aaron Labdon PhD viva |
Congratulations to Aaron Labdon on his successful PhD viva.
25 March 2021 |
VLTI Expertise Centre |
We are happy to be part of Europe's largest astronomy network
9 December 2020 |
ERC grant awarded |
ERC Consolidator Grant project GAIA-BIFROST will allow us to explore the origin of diversity of star and planetary systems.
29 September 2020 |
GW Orionis visualisation that we worked on with ESO is featured as
Astronomy Picture of the Day
14 September 2020 |
Star Formation Newsletter article |
Review paper, outlining the prospect for using GW Ori as benchmark for disk hydrodynamic studies:
Star Formation Newsletter issue 333
3 September 2020 |
Paper highlight: Disk tearing in GW Ori |
Multi-wavelength study on GW Orionis published at Science magazine, featuring first MIRC-X YSO observations. A triple star system with a misaligned and warped circumstellar disk shaped by disk tearing. Open-access version is available here. For visualisation that help to understand the complex 3-dimensional geometry, see the ESO Press Release. An Augmented-Reality representation of our model can be found in the NRAO Press Release, allowing you to project the derived 3-dimensional geometry of the GW Orionis system into the real world.
15 August 2020 |
Tentative new dates for Exeter conference |
The tentative new date for the Exeter Sharpest Eyes on the Sky conferences that will bring the CHARA and VLTI community together, is 2021 April 12-16.
23 July 2020 |
MIRC-X instrument paper |
Instrument paper on our 6-telescope imager at CHARA; Anugu et al., AJ:
MIRC-X: a highly-sensitive six telescope interferometric imager at the CHARA Array
29 June 2020 |
Paper highlight: Spin-orbit alignment in Beta Pictoris |
Kraus et al., ApJ: Spin-Orbit Alignment of the Beta Pictoris Planetary System.
Press features:
AAS Nova: Alignment of a Star and a Planet;
Centauri Dreams: Spin-Orbit Alignment: A Lesson from Beta Pictoris?;
Press Release Exeter
14 May 2020 |
Paper highlight: Radiative transfer modeling of inner rim shape of RY Tau |
Davies et al., ApJ:
The Inner Disk of RY Tau: Evidence of Stellar Occultation by the Disk Atmosphere at the Sublimation Rim from K-band Continuum Interferometry
11 March 2020 |
Exeter VLTI/CHARA meeting postponed |
The meeting has been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The new date for 2021 will be announced at the 'Sharpest Eyes' conference website
21 October 2019 |
Edward Hone viva |
Successful defense of Edward Hone's thesis 'Resolving the gas distribution and kinematics in the inner regions of protoplanetary disks'. Congrats and well done!
20 June 2019 |
BIFROST instrument concept |
Science cases and instrument concept presented at ESO's 'VLT in 2030' conference:
Star Formation & Fundamental Stellar Astrophysics with VLTI at 1 micrometer
28 May 2019 |
Paper highlight: Radiative transfer modelling of dusty disk |
Labdon et al., A&A:
Dusty disk winds at the sublimation rim of the highly inclined, low mass young stellar object SU Aurigae
12 September 2018 |
MIRC-X Phase 2 commissioning |
First Light of MIRC-X with new beam combination scheme
6 September 2018 |
Paper highlight: Gas dynamics in the disc wind of MWC297 |
Hone et al., A&A. Detailed gas kinematics study and first velocity-resolved infrared interferometric image of a young star:
Gas dynamics in the inner few AU around the Herbig B[e] star MWC297
Indications of a disk wind from kinematic modeling and velocity-resolved interferometric imaging
6 March 2018 |
Paper highlight: Quantum-heated particles inside the disk cavity of MWC614 |
Kluska et al., ApJ.
A Multi-instrument and Multi-wavelength High Angular Resolution Study of MWC 614: Quantum Heated Particles Inside the Disk Cavity
18 October 2017 |
Industrial partner FLI |
Our industrial partner "First Light Imaging" released a press release about our MIRC-X instrument, which brings their new C-RED One camera for the first time on-sky:
Press Release
11 October 2017 |
Paper highlight: Dust trapping in V1247 Orionis |
Kraus et al., ApJL.
Dust-trapping Vortices and a Potentially Planet-triggered Spiral Wake in the Pre-transitional Disk of V1247 Orionis. Press features: ESO Picture of the Week;
ALMA Image Release;
Exeter Press Release;
AAS Nova: Trapping Dust to Form Planets;
Nature Astronomy research highlight: Dust devils in the details
10 July 2017 |
MIRC-X detector commissioning |
Avalanche photodiode-based detector has been successfully commissioned at CHARA.
6 July 2017 |
Matthew Willson viva |
Successful defense of Matthew Willson's thesis 'Observing the On-going Formation of Planets and its Effects on Their Parent Discs'. Congratulations!
16 January 2017 |
Paper highlight: Dynamical Processes in High-Mass Star Formation |
Kraus et al. ApJL.
A High-mass Protobinary System with Spatially Resolved Circumstellar Accretion Disks and Circumbinary Disk. Press features:
AAS Nova: Resolving the Birth of High-mass Binary Stars;
VLTI Imaging of a High-Mass Protobinary System: Unveiling the Dynamical Processes in High-Mass Star Formation